** OFFICIAL ** ELECTION RESULTS BULLETIN PAGE 1 FEBRUARY 19, 1993 10:59:48 AM CITY OF SAN DIEGO - SPECIAL ELECTION CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 8 FEBRUARY 16, 1993 COUNT PERCENT COUNT PERCENT PCTS COUNTED - TOTAL (49) 49 100.00 ************************************************************ REG VOTERS IN PCTS COUNTED (42200) 42,200 * * BALLOTS CAST 9,263 21.95 * ELECTION INFORMATION * PCTS COUNTED - POLLS (47) 47 100.00 * ======== =========== * REG VOTERS IN PCTS COUNTED (41783) 41,783 * * BALLOTS CAST 6,948 16.63 * REQUIREMENT TO WIN: * PCTS COUNTED - DECLARED AV (1) 1 100.00 * ------------------ * REG VOTERS IN PCTS COUNTED (417) 417 * The candidate with the greatest number of votes * BALLOTS CAST 30 7.19 * (plurality) wins. There is no run-off election. * PCTS COUNTED - REQUESTED AV (1) 1 100.00 * * REG VOTERS IN PCTS COUNTED (N/A) 0 * TERM OF OFFICE: * BALLOTS CAST 2,285 * -------------- * * The City Charter requires vacancies on the City Council * * to be filled by special election. The winner of this * * election will serve until the next regular municipal * * election on September 21, 1993 (majority vote required). * For MEMBER of the CITY COUNCIL * If a run-off election is needed, it will be held * 8th City Council District * November 2, 1993. * ============================== * * JUAN VARGAS 2,534 29.27 ************************************************************ MIKE AGUIRRE 2,033 23.48 FRANCISCO ESTRADA 1,361 15.72 ANDREA SKOREPA 1,100 12.71 RAUL SILVA-MARTINEZ 729 8.42 PEDRO MORENO 439 5.07 DANIEL CLARK 214 2.47 LINCOLN PICKARD 213 2.46 JIM PEREZ 35 0.40 WRITE-IN VOTE TOTAL: =================== CYNTHIA TAM 196 ************************************************************ * * * Write-in votes were counted for this race. The bulletin * * DOES NOT reflect percentages for the manually counted * * write-in votes. * * * ************************************************************