Voting? You have options.

The San Diego County Registrar of Voters is committed to ensuring that all voters can exercise their right to vote in a safe, secure, and accessible manner during the 2021 California Gubernatorial Recall Election. Precautionary measures are in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
One option available to you is to vote your mail-in ballot from the comfort of your home. Sign and date your return envelope, seal your voted ballot inside and return it promptly to a trusted source.
In-person Voting
If you want to vote in-person that option is available too. You don’t have to wait until Election Day to vote. The Registrar urges you to take advantage of early voting.
You can vote early:
- At the Registrar’s office, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- At any one of 221 voting locations around the county or the Registrar’s office Saturday, Sept. 11 through Monday, Sept. 13, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
All will again be open on Election Day, Sept. 14, when the voting hours change to 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you decide to vote in-person, don’t be surprised, lines may be long.

Ballot Marking Device (BMD)
All 221 voting locations will have a full deployment of BMDs. Voters visiting these locations to cast their ballot in person will mark their ballot using the BMD. This device does not store, tabulate or count any votes.
There is a reason why these devices are called Ballot Marking Devices. The voter marks their selection on the screen. Then, on the paired printer the voter will print out their official ballot with their selections. This official paper ballot is what goes inside the official ballot box to be tabulated at the Registrar of Voters.
BMDs are fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and voters have the ability to select a translated ballot in one of the County’s four federally covered languages: Spanish, Filipino, Vietnamese and Chinese.
Be Prepared
Mark your selections in your Voter Information Pamphlet in advance so you can quickly mark your official ballot in the voting booth.
Voters will also need to fill out a form – a check-in form. You can do this in advance as well. Print out the online form, fill it out and take it with you when you go to vote.

What you can expect
The Registrar of Voters is adhering to the County’s public health orders and has put in place protocols to ensure the health and safety of election workers, voters and observers at our office, voting sites and mail ballot drop-off locations.
- All unvaccinated voters, observers and election workers must wear face coverings. Outdoor accommodations will be made available for voters who are unable to wear one
- All vaccinated voters, observers and election workers are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings
- Hand sanitizer readily available when entering and exiting facility
- Masks and gloves available for all voters and visitors
- Plexiglass barriers in use at the Registrar’s office and all voting locations
- Controlled path of travel when entering and exiting
- Regular cleaning/disinfecting of frequently touched objects and surfaces
Please be advised that some locations used by the Registrar of Voters for in-person voting and mail ballot drop-off may have a facial covering requirement in place.
We ask voters and observers to abide by these requirements if in place. Outdoor accommodations will be made available for voters who are unable to wear a facial covering.

What you can do
Wear a face covering, maintain a comfortable distance, avoid gathering in groups, follow all signs and directions from election workers, and exercise patience.
Learn more about the CA Gubernatorial Recall Election.